Bringing pride and prosperity to the region
About Trust Horizon
Previously known as the Eastern Bay Energy Trust, Trust Horizon has been funding energy-related community projects for decades. As a Charitable Trust, we’re playing our role in bringing positive change to the area, and building a bright future.
Our Funding History
Over the years, Trust Horizon has granted over $40million in community funding across the Eastern Bay of Plenty.
Projects We Support
From apprenticeship schemes to creating warmer and healthier homes, Trust Horizon lends its support to a range of community projects.
Proud owners of Horizon Energy Group
Trust Horizon has been a majority shareholder of Horizon Energy Group (HEG) since 1999. In 2015, the Trust obtained 100% of the business – helping keep ownership and jobs local. Today, the connection between Trust Horizon, HEG, and Horizon Network is stronger than ever.

What’s on at Trust Horizon
Investing in the Eastern Bay’s future
Here at Trust Horizon, we believe in community funding that will bring long-term, tangible benefits to the region. Find out whether your organisation is eligible for funding from the Trust.
Driving change in Ōpōtiki
Trust Horizon has invested $1.5million in Whakatōhea Mussels Ōpōtiki Ltd. Helping create over 230 new jobs, and putting the Eastern Bay at the forefront of the New Zealand aquaculture industry.